My 10 Things Thankful for This Week

by - February 25, 2015

I shall be thankful for being health, even others are not.  It was like two weeks earlier when both my kids and hubby were recovered from their illness.  My eldest got typhus while hubby had a rough cold.  Though they both at home, still do not like the atmosphere as barely hearing them laughing as they always do. 

So yeah, I shall be thankful now as they both got recovered and hearing them laugh again.

I shall be thankful now I can making a good porridge.  As I had an illness at home, I need to serve appropriate meals for them.  So, porridge is the most suitable dish.  Believe it or not, I’ve never made such a dish before.  It turned out easy, not as I thought before.  Instead of buying like we usually did, now I can make it on my own.

I shall be thankful for having a job though it drives me crazy, sometime upset and stressful.  Nevertheless, this job exposed me to learn things I’ve never done before.  While there are a million people out there whose jobless and left worried on how paying their bills.

I shall be thankful for having another family trip with relatives.  It was different because usually it is only 4-of-us but now it was in larger group of people.  You probably know how things going when bunch of people who has different taste of meals, different characters, different interest are going together.  Yup, you right, we have to put a higher level of tolerant.  I learned something important here; another lessons in 3-days, none other than understanding others !  I can tell you that.

I shall be thankful can participate in a Give Away, held one of my colleagues in Mom’s Blogger Community.  To be honest, this would be my first GA’s event.  Yeah, right!

I shall be thankful for receiving invitation.  An old good friend texting me this afternoon, she was asking me for having lunch next week.  Since she has a new job, we don’t meet up like we usually do.  But I guess, we both now manage find a spare time to do so.

I shall be thankful for having a list of ideas on what I am going to post on my blog.  I guess my self-commitment on blogging is even better than last year.  I proved it by attending a week writing challenge, something that I didn’t do last time. 

I shall be thankful for remembering the ten most memorable things of the week so I can participate again in this week’s prompt of #Wellness Wednesday after absent for a couple of cycles.  Another lesson I Learned when I started to list down this.  There is no big or small thing to be thankful, we just need always be thankful on everything.

Last but not least, I shall be thankful you for reading this.

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  1. Great list. We all have so much to be thankful for - big things and little things. And you're absolutely righ about being thankful every day. So glad you were able to join WW this week.

  2. It is always so great for our souls to be grateful with everything, no matter what life bring us. Great list Mak! Thank you for joining us again this week. We love having you here :D

    1. Love the program WW too, Mak Maureen.
      Hug-hug !

  3. Alhamdulillah, nderek hepi maak..semoga dirimu dan keluarga sehat selaluu aamiin...

    1. Tambah hepi karena dirimu sudah ninggalin jejak, mak Dedew. Amin, amin, barakallahu untuk dirimu dan keluarga di Semarang jugakk ^_^

  4. Wah, jd pgn bikin postingan kyk gini jugak mak,.

    stt... aku selalu gagal bikin bubur, past rasanya selalu g enak hiks :(

  5. thank to you coz remembering me to more thankfull


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