4 Things You Can Do at Chatuchak Week End Market Beside Shopping

by - August 17, 2018

Not only the largest market in Thailand, Chatuchak also claimed as the world's biggest weekend market. WOW!  It has around 15,000 booth stalls this market seem to unite all buyable items.  From books to fashions.  From antiques to pop-art modern items and many more.  Basically, it has all things Bangkok can offer you.

The market which has operated since 1942 and only serves during the weekend (9 AM - 6 PM).  As a tourist attraction itself, it is a MUST seen spot to come.  Good news is, now Chatuchak has Friday Night market, from 10PM - 4AM.

Since our hotel close to the main road, so it was pretty easy to get here.  Simply use BTS and stop at Chatuchak Park MRT Metro Station.  It took approximately 30 minutes from Thonglor Station, where Salil Hotel located.

After strolling around, it turned out for me Chatuchak is not the only place for shopping.  It is also an interesting place for other things.  Here are 4 things you can do at Chatuchak Week End Market beside shopping

Walk Around (get yourself a map)

Not a big shopper or doesn't feel like to shop?  Just strolling and look around.  But remember, this market draws thousands of people every day.  Plus, Chatuchak is a huge place.  It is understandable if you easily feel lost among the crowd.

The hot and humid weather of Bangkok can also contribute to your frustration during a long walk.  Just for you to know, the market has 27 sections and arranged according to item category.  Do you think you want to see them all?  

So, pamper your self with comfortable shoes/sandals, cozy wardrobe, a map, and a bottle of water to keep you hydrated.  Bring along a hat or an umbrella if necessary.

A map is available in the entrance or download here https://shopjj.co/travelmag/maps/

Art Gallery (see the artisan doing their art)

Not only selling, we able to find the artisan also doing their work here.  It seemed they move the workshop to Chatuchak.

It was an interesting experience seeing them do the crafting.  I can not help myself for not taking pictures.  But we must pay attention because sometimes they do not want to be photoed.

No Photo sign also seen in several stalls.  Better to ask first make sure it is allowed for taking a picture.  That's how I did it anyway.

Shoe painter

Street Food (eat like local!)

You REALLY can not miss this.  Either inside or outside Chatuchak market, you can find food-drinks stalls even small cozy restaurants with live music.  But for us (me, hubby and kids) street food hawker is more interesting.

Don't worry, a majority of the street food seller able to communicate in basic English; such "how much?"  Or simply give a point to dishes you are interested in and giving a signal how many you're going to buy.  Besides, the price tag makes the transaction a lot easier.


Rujak (raw fruit salad)

Assorted fries

My son's fave: potato spiral

Enjoy Chatuchak Park (don't miss it!)

Need a rest after long walking in hot humid weather?  Despite going to malls around Chatuchak which is on foot away, we decided to rent a mat for 10 Baht and indulging ourselves with food & drinks bought from the street food hawker outside the park.  Food hawker is not allowed to put up their stalls inside the park.

Sitting in the park; watching people go by, surrounded by benign pigeons and seeing kids played at the playground, surely a rare experience.  It is not a usual things I could have.  Hard to believe the park locates right next to busy Kamphaeng Phet Road.

If we use BTS, we able to spot this 0.3 square KM Chatuchak Park from a distance when the sky train is about to approach the Chatuchak MRT Station.

With only sitting under the trees and feel the breeze; we almost forgot how hot Bangkok that day!

Surrounded with black friendly doves

The Play Ground

Minggle with local! 😎

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  1. Interesting place, it seems like Pasar Baru in Jakarta ya Mba. 27 section in a long walk will not be tiring if we are treated to a variety of interesting sights, even in hot and humid weather :)

    1. 27 Sections is too many for us. Not to mention we only had half day. Got to optimize time we had.

  2. Chatuchak ini mirip Pasar Senennya Indonesia ya. Sama mesti hati-hati juga kalo bawa tas. Hihihi. Nyeberang Chatuchak dikit ke Ortokor banyak banget tempat makan sama buah-buah yang gede Thailand punya. Chatuchak murmer banget deh barang-barangnya, asal pinter nawar aja. Pas saya ke sini, lagi pameran buah-buah Thailand, bahagia banget nikmati durennya. Cakep deh ini Mba.

    1. Bener, Mas. Di sini copet juga berkeliaran ^_^ Rasanya gak ada deh bagian bumi yang steril dari copet, even di Eropa juga gitu.
      Bedanya Chatuchak dengan Pasar Senen, kalau di Pasar Senen banyak lapak jual-beli emas hehe

  3. I think, chatuchak is a favorite place for me for "cuci mata" , take a walk while seeing unique ethnic items and snacks as well

  4. Waah makasih mba infonya hihi nambah referensi nih buat explore bangkok, ternyata udh buka dari jumat yah. yeayy!! ku kira only wiken aja

    1. Sekarang dibuka Chatuchak Friday night market. Tapi aku sendiri belum pernah datangin kalo malam hari jadi gak bisa cerita. Selamat jalan-jalan ke Bangkok!

  5. aku demen jajan. kayaknya bisa kalap kalo ke sana haha

    1. Siapin perut kosong sama uangnya kalo ke sana, Inna ^_^

  6. I agree with you, we have to ask for a permission before taking picture, especially if we dont buy their goods.

    Thank you for sharing

    1. Be kind and respect others. No harm doin it, right?

  7. Jika saya ke chatuchak, bisa2 kalap ini..
    Selain cuci mata, pasti tertarik untuk membeli barang2nya

    1. Malah ada yg niat sampe bawa koper untuk wadahin belanjaannya. ckckckck. Niat bangeeedt!

  8. Pernah sekali ke sini dan encok saking luasnya yaa, ahh seru banget ada park dan art nya jugakk

    1. Gak sanggup kalo harus keliling semuanya. Suhu udaranya bikin meleleh. Terik pisan ^_^

  9. Pas ke Thai dulu, blm pernah mampir sini. Bisa jadi referensi nih mbak, mesti kekepin duit biar ga kalap belanja kl udah liat yg murmer2. TFS yah mbak

    1. Kalau ke sini harus week-end dan yang pasti kudu "kekepin" nafsu belenjong siyy, hehehe

  10. Nice pic as usually, I also like street food when I am going somewhere for traveling, I haven't go to Thailand, maybe some day I'll be there too because Thailand is nearest country from Indonesia than Europe haha

  11. Haii.. hai... bu Ratna, pkbr masih di ADW ga ? kemarin ada event lagi tapi di handle sama bu Yuli (PIC ADW) Oops.. jadi ngomongin kerjaan..hehhee..
    Aku kemarin baru aja ke Chatuchak, rasanya kalo ga inget sama bagasi psawat itu udah pengen belanja sampe bangkrut disana hehehe..

    1. Alhamdulillah baik. Aku udah "minggat" dari ADW hehehe.
      Asik atuh, bisa halan-halan. Keep in touch ya (a.k.a saling BW) ^_^


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