Pasar Beringharjo Jogjakarta

by - July 22, 2018

There is a saying if Kraton or king's palace is the heart, Malioboro is the artery.  Then Pasar Beringharjo makes the beat of the city.  Beringharjo get along followed not long after Kraton was established in 1758.  No wonder if both have historical and philosophical value especially for the local.

Patterns of the city include four essential public functionalities.  The palace as the center of government.  The squares (alun-alun) as public space.  The mosque as a place of worship.  And the market as the center of economic activities.

Beringharjo located at the end of Malioboro, the main road runs on a north-south axis.  It follows an important Java's cosmology which is connecting Mount Merapi, the palace, and southern ocean.  None can miss this interesting spot.

Don't ask how many times I've visited this place.  I am countless.  I am pretty sure it should be the same number I visit Jogja though.

I never get tired of this city.  Jogja memang Jogyes!  

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

street photography pasar beringharjo jogjakarta

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  1. Yogya istimewaa..foto-fotonya juga apik tenan..

    1. Gak pernah bosen ke kota ini. No wonder sampai KLA khusus buatkan lagu tentang Jogja.

  2. Belakangan ke jogja ak jarang kesini. Pdhl dulu klo mampir beli pasti pecel didpan pasar ini

    1. Tukang makanan di depan pasar memang irresistable yahh? Kalo gak inget berat badan, blas dilahap semua :))

  3. Replies
    1. Jadi baper gimana gituuh, kalo ke Jogja. Yagakseeeh?

  4. Jogja, selalu ngangeni. Selalu pingin singgah dan singgah lagi di Jogja. Terlalu banyak kenangan dan cerita di kota ini.

    1. Rupanya Kota Gudeg ini sudah memikat banyak hati, ya?

  5. pasar ini keren loh mbaaa.. aku suka kesini untuk belanja oleh2 murah ahhaha

  6. Aku suka foto penjual sate-nya. Favorit.

  7. Ini pasar yang wajib dikunjungi kalau ke Yogya. Ah, jd kangen Yogya, terakhir ke sana 2009, ya ampun dah bertahun2 gak kerasa...

  8. beuuhhh...ntaps
    what kind of gear do you use, Mba?
    Beringharsjo yo ngono ngono thok but we can't missed this place. Just watching people's activity is enough

    1. DSLR + Fixed lens aja, mas Broo. Ora neko-neko kok ^_^

  9. Kemarin aku blusukan ke pasar Bringharjo. Setelah sekian lama nggak blusukan ahahhahaha.
    Bagus-bagus fotomu mbak :-)

    1. Tempatnya emang enak buat blusukan. Aku ke situ ya jepret-jepret sambil mamam gendutin badan, heaaa


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