Warung Kopi Nako Bogor
first, clean-up my dusty blog 😁
The truth is I hate myself for the inconstancy on blogging. I used to like it, however, lately I am posting none. If you ask why I could come up with a list of reasons but at the end, it is a matter of an excuse.
I am not sure what exactly is holding me from writing, as a matter of fact, I have few things to post. And they are now in pipeline as a draft waiting to publish.
So I guess, taking picture still able to retain my laziness. For which I could show to everyone of being productive 😎. I lafff taking pictures with my 70D yet cannot bring this lovely ~900gr Canon everywhere.
In that situation, a camera phone can in charge of the absence of DSLR. With all its limitation, a camera phone can be an angel. Camera phone is a savior when it is too heavy for a conventional camera. Thanks to technology and the magic of editing application, we could have a pretty awesome picture with a camera phone. Amazing, is isn't?
Here, I compile pictures taken with a camera phone at Warung Nako. Not-so-recently-opened cafe and resto in Bogor. Enjoy!
The truth is I hate myself for the inconstancy on blogging. I used to like it, however, lately I am posting none. If you ask why I could come up with a list of reasons but at the end, it is a matter of an excuse.
I am not sure what exactly is holding me from writing, as a matter of fact, I have few things to post. And they are now in pipeline as a draft waiting to publish.
So I guess, taking picture still able to retain my laziness. For which I could show to everyone of being productive 😎. I lafff taking pictures with my 70D yet cannot bring this lovely ~900gr Canon everywhere.
In that situation, a camera phone can in charge of the absence of DSLR. With all its limitation, a camera phone can be an angel. Camera phone is a savior when it is too heavy for a conventional camera. Thanks to technology and the magic of editing application, we could have a pretty awesome picture with a camera phone. Amazing, is isn't?
Here, I compile pictures taken with a camera phone at Warung Nako. Not-so-recently-opened cafe and resto in Bogor. Enjoy!
Aku juga gitu, Banyak suku dan banyak cerita yang bisa digunakan untuk update blog. Tapi tetap saja tuh blog saya postingnya tersendat-sendat. Mungkin karena menulis perlu waktu untuk berfikir agar ide yang dikeluarkan konsisten ceritanya. Itu kan tidak gampang
ReplyDeleteExactly mba Ev. Tersendat-sendat itu yang sering banget mematahkan mood nulis. Seeing your updates, Still, you are more productive than me, laahhh ^_^
DeleteMaaf nimbruung ya Bu, sekelas Bu.Evi aja mau nulis bisa tersendat-sendat. Apalagi saya yah..hehehe
DeleteNulis apa aja mbak. Semua bisa dijadikan bahan. Tinggal gimana komit aja sebenarnya.
ReplyDeleteJan bingung atuh.. walau ejie kadang juga harus belajar komit menulis. Biar terus belajar 😊
Smangat, mb..
Bener banget. Tulis apa apa. Seperti yang dikatakan Om Arswendo, nulis itu gampang. Yang susah mikirnya, hehehe
Deletekadang aku juga malas sekali nulis. tapi suka kepancing liat orang, dia rajin ya update blognya, akhirnya nyoba lagi nulis buat update tulisan di blog
ReplyDeleteKayaknya aku perlu pancingan yang efeknya lebih nampol supaya lebih rajin nulisnya dibanding malasnya ^_^
DeleteAyo semangat mba. Ada 1000 alasan untuk tidak menulis, tapi ada 2000 alasan buat rajin menulis :)
ReplyDeleteAkkk, terharu biru sama komentarnya Darius. *tisu, mana tisu*
Deletekeceh buat mejeng syantikk...
ReplyDeletebtw apa kabar yak akun steller kuh :D
Apalagi kalo modelnya kayak Inna. Tambah syantiiikk ^_^
Deletebangunannya unik juga ya
ReplyDeleteWalaupun bukan orang yang paham arsitektur tapi aku suka Konsep bangunan resto ini. See yourself to find out heheh
DeleteJadi ingat kalau saya punya akun Steller yang udah lama banget gak aktif :)
ReplyDeleteSteller itu menstimulasi kreatifitas kalo menurut aku mah :)
DeleteWarung Nako ini di daerah mana ya, Mba?
ReplyDeleteJL. Pajajaran belakang, mba Irma. Kalo dari exit gate Jagorawi, di Baranangsiang ambil yang ke arah kiri, ke arah Mesjid Raya Bogor.
DeleteAda di GMaps.
Cozy nih kafenya. Wah boleh nih jadi tempat nongkrong di Bogor. Ada wifinya gak mba? *penting :))
ReplyDeleteWaduh, ndak merhatiin. Karena saya sudah terpikat oleh pisang gorengnya haha
Deleteiya benar mba setuju, mungkin kitanya nggak sembarangan kali ya buat update konten di blog heheh kudu reserch dan seabrek lainnya heheh *alasan BTW kangen chill banreng hikss
ReplyDeleteHayuklah kapan kita di mana, Yop!
DeleteTempat asik yang bikin happy nih. Buat santai bareng mamah2 sekolahan cocok deh hihihi. Menulis buat berbagi bikin aku bahagia. Target seminggu 1 judul udah lumayan sih kalo bisa ada waktunya jadi 2 judul hehee.
ReplyDeleteToss! Kita para mamah juga perlu bahagia, toh?
DeleteHai ^_^
Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan membaca tulisan saya di blog ini.
Silakan tinggalkan komentar yang baik.
Mohon maaf, komentar anonim maupun yang sifatnya spam, tidak akan dipublikasikan.
Keep reading and Salam !